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Channell Commercial Corporation

设计、制造和市场精密模压成型热塑性塑料和金属装配式的机箱用来容纳、保护和提供进入先进电信电子和传输媒体,包括同轴电缆、铜线和光纤。(Nasdaq:CHNL)。Designs, manufactures and markets precision-molded thermoplastic and metal fabricated enclosures used to house, protect and provide access to advanced telecommunications electronics and transmission media, including coaxial cable, copper wire and optical fibers. (Nasdaq: CHNL).内容提要:Cardinal Financial Corporation is one of the largest financial institutions headquartered in Northern Virginia and the Commonwealth of Virginia.......
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信息名称: Channell Commercial Corporation
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网址链接: cardinalbank.com
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